Ph.D. Political Science, University of California San Diego
M.S. Computational Neuroscience, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
B.A. Philosophy, Seoul National University
B.S. Physics, Seoul National University
Professional Appointments
Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Seoul National University
2018.9 – 2021.8
Associate Professor, Faculty of Political Science and Economics / Center for Data Science, Waseda University
2016.9 – 2018.8
Pre/Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Departments of Politics and Sociology, Princeton University
- 손윤규. 2020. 네트워크 분석. 정치학 방법론 핸드북, 박종희 편, 사회평론아카데미, 258-287.
- Yunkyu Sohn, Jung-Kyoo Choi, and Toh-Kyeong Ahn. 2020. Core–periphery Segregation in Evolving Prisoner’s Dilemma Networks. Journal of Complex Networks 8(1): cnz021.
- Jong Hee Park and Yunkyu Sohn. 2020. Detecting Structural Changes in Longitudinal Network Data. Bayesian Analysis 15(1): 133-157.
- Yunkyu Sohn and Jong Hee Park. 2017. Bayesian Approach to Multilayer Stochastic Blockmodel and Network Changepoint Detection. Network Science 5(2): 164-186.
- Rooni Lee, Yunkyu Sohn and Wonjae Lee. 2017. Structuralizing the Fluxus Way of Life: the Social Network of Fluxus. Leonardo 50(1): 74-75.
- Jaimie Y. Park, Yunkyu Sohn and Sue Moon. 2016. Power of Earned Advertising on Social Network Services: A Case Study of Friend Tagging on Facebook. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Web and Social Media. 299-308.
- Yunkyu Sohn. 2014. Strategic Foundation of Computational Social Science. WWW ’14 Companion: Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on World Wide Web. 51-56.
- Lorenzo Coviello, Yunkyu Sohn, Adam D. I. Kramer, Cameron Marlow, Massimo Franceschetti, Nicholas A. Christakis and James H. Fowler. 2014. Detecting Emotional Contagion in Massive Social Networks. PLoS ONE 9(3): e90315.
- Julia Lee, Yunkyu Sohn and James H. Fowler. 2013. Emotion Regulation as the Foundation of Political Attitudes. PLoS ONE 8(12): e83143.
- Yunkyu Sohn, Mungkyu Choi, Yong-Yeol Ahn, Junho Lee and Jaeseung Jeong. 2011. Topological Cluster Analysis Reveals the Systemic Organization of Caenorhabditis elegans Connectome. PLoS Computational Biology 7(5): e1001139.
- 손윤규. 2006. 진화 생물학과 심적 기능주의. 철학논구 34: 171-197.
Curriculum Vitae