Academic Resources
Master’s / Combined Master’s & Doctoral program
Doctoral program
1. Admission
1) Application for Korean Students
1. Submit the online application to Office of admissions.
2. Submit the following materials to the Administration office of College of Social Sciences).
• Official Bachelor’s Transcript
• Official English Score Reports (TOEFL IBT minimum 99 or TEPS minimum 701)
• Agreement for Verification of Academic Record
3. Submit the following materials to the Department of Sociology.
• Sociology Department application form and Three Copy
• Study Plan
• Graduation Thesis and Three Copy
• One Recommendation Letter
• Official Bachelor’s Degree or Graduation Certificate
2) Application for International Students
Please contact SNU Admission Office.
2. Academic Calendar
3. Graduation Requirements
Students must have complete at least two years (four semesters) of enrollment for a master’s program, and at least three years for a combined master’s &doctoral program. Students may be enrolled up to four years for a master’s program and eight years for a combined master’s &doctoral program. No enrollment after those periods will be allowed.
Students must earn 24 credits or more for a master’s program and 60 credits or more for a combined master’s &doctoral program (including credits earned during the master’s program). Students must also score an overall GPA of 3.0 or above.
Students must fulfill required courses as follows.
205.505 Seminar on Quantitative Analysis
205.666 Special Research in Sociology (Subtitle:Seminar on Core Topics in Sociology)
205.714 Topics in Sociological Theories
Students must pass the major courses and one of the foreign language tests(Korean, English and foreign language) to attain the qualification to submit their thesis.
* Students from English-speaking countries must choose language tests except English.
* Students passed Korean course(Korean Language and Culture 1, 2) are immune from language test.